FAQ about Klarna

Address common inquiries by adding FAQs to your website. Answer customer questions about Klarna and our payment methods - before, during or after the purchase. Select the relevant questions below and add to your own customer service page or to a Klarna landing page.

Klarna is a global payment and shopping provider that takes end-to-end responsibility for your payment. Klarna allows shoppers to buy now and pay later at more than 200,000 retailers around the world. Learn more.

When you pay in 4 interest-free instalments with Klarna, your purchase is split into 4 payments automatically charged to your debit or credit card every 2 weeks. There is no interest and no fees when payments are made on time. It’s that easy.

There are no added costs or upfront fees when using this payment option. A late fee may be charged for payments made after the due date. View terms here.

When you choose to pay in 4 interest-free instalments, Klarna may perform a hard credit check.

As soon as we have received and accepted your cancellation or return, Klarna will cancel any future scheduled payments as well as refund any amounts due. The return will be reflected in the Klarna app immediately.

Eligibility to pay in 4 interest-free instalments with Klarna is generated by algorithms that consider a number of factors. All orders are assessed individually, and if you have been accepted for a Klarna payment method before, it does not mean it will be offered for every order. In turn, being denied once does not mean you will be denied for all future orders.

As soon as your order is shipped, you will receive an email from Klarna outlining your payment schedule. Payments will be automatically withdrawn from the debit/credit card you provided at checkout.

The first ¼ of your payment is due when your order has shipped. The remaining three payments will automatically charge every two weeks. Your payment schedule is sent via email and you can also access your payment schedule in the Klarna app by clicking on ‘Spending’, choosing the order you want to see, and then clicking on ‘Show Plan’.

Yes. Just open the Klarna app or log onto https://app.klarna.com/ to pay off your balance early.

Your payment information is processed securely by Klarna. No payment details are shared with [MERCHANT]. All transactions take place via connections secured with the latest industry standard security protocols.

Access 24/7 customer service in the Klarna app or review Klarna’s Customer Service page for a full list of FAQs.