Ken Forkish’s Pizza Dough
Ken Forkish

Ken Forkish

Ken Forkish’s Pizza Dough

Ken Forkish is a cookbook author and owner of Ken's Artisan & Checkerboard Pizza. This dough works well as either a Roman-style thin-crust or as a Neapolitan-style pizza. It's great baked with nothing more than tomato sauce and basil, then it’s topped with grated cheese after it has come out of the oven.
the Smart Oven® Pizzaiolo
the Smart Oven® Pizzaiolo Product Details

the Smart Oven® Pizzaiolo

1 day 8 hrs total time

10 mins active time


Makes 3-4 pizzas



  • water icon
    330 g water

    80°F to 85°F

  • fine sea salt icon
    13 g fine sea salt
  • instant dry yeast icon
    0.4 g instant dry yeast

    (slightly less than ½ of a quarter tsp)

  • Caputo ‘00’ flour icon
    500 g Caputo ‘00’ flour

    plus extra for dusting


  • 1Mix the water and salt by hand in a large 6-quart bowl or container. Sprinkle the yeast on top and let sit for 1 minute, then swoosh the water around in the bowl to blend in the yeast. Add the flour. Use your active hand to mix the ingredients together until they form a cohesive dough. Keep a container of water next to you, wet your other hand and use it to squeegee the dough bits off your active hand (trust me!). This only takes a minute. Then let rest for 10 to 15 minutes.
    Tip: Desired dough temp is 78°F to 80°F.
  • 2Knead lightly, in the bowl, until smooth. Let rest covered for 90 minutes.
  • 3Chop and ball the dough on a floured counter. This recipe makes 4 dough balls of 7½ oz each, but I prefer to make up 3 dough balls at 9 oz each, and a small dough ball with the remainder for a mini pizza. You have options.
  • 4Place dough balls on a floured tray or dinner plate and cover with plastic wrap. Hold at room temperature for about 6 hours, then refrigerate. Timeline assumes a 70°F kitchen. If yours is warmer, say 75°F, then your hold time before refrigerating would be 4 to 5 hours.
  • 5The next day or up to 3 days later, remove the dough balls from the refrigerator 60 to 90 minutes before you want to make pizza. They need enough time to relax so they stretch easily.
    Tip: Cook the topped pizza in the Smart Oven® Pizzaiolo on manual mode. Deck temperature 750°F, Top temperature 750°F, Top control set to Crust only) for about 3 minutes.

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